See Boston Dynamics Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

Boston Dynamics Robots

Boston Dynamics currently obtains information from Hyundai, which accounts for 80% of the agency’s business.The agency’s own circle of robot relatives is constantly astonishing, and now it seems they may be having a few amusing moments in the near future of 2020. Boston Dynamics’ robotic canine, Spot, and its humanoid-like Atlas bot friend had been joined via the means of their oddball sibling Handle to shake their booties at the dance ground to “Do You Love Me?” via the means of The Contours.

See Boston Dynamics Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

The video begins off-puttingly incredible, with only one Atlas displaying its first-rate dexterity even as he busts out a few candy actions that would make even the late Patrick Swayze jealous. However, as the recurring pattern continues, the digital digicam lowers to reveal another dual Atlas dancing alongside the primary one, demonstrating their synchronized and sparkling rug-slicing abilities. As this robot soul rolls on, Spot the canine strolls in to join in the fun with the awesome flair that only the best rover can bring. The whole three-minute clip is honestly a surprise to behold, and perhaps even barely unsettling for a few who may not completely welcome our robotic overlords.

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