In a speech during today’s Red Hat Summit, CEO/President Paul Cormier assessed the last two years of the company. “Globally, we witnessed nearly every industry reach 100% remote working in the space of one day.”
No matter the size or industry, companies were able to function in a virtual manner and to operate on demand. Businesses had to be able to supply products and services to their customers with no fixed physical location. New tech hubs began to appear in unexpected places due to employees’ being no longer required to be located in particular cities. Workers who are remote realised they no longer had to have the physical location of their office, and businesses were focused on attracting new talent based upon their skills rather than location.
These are not minor accomplishments. However, this style of working was not familiar to those who had to adapt during the pandemic to the open world of open source. It was just another day.
Each open-source project is being worked on remotely , and has been since the beginning. Take a look at the Linux Foundation, which supports more than 2300 projects. There were over 28,000 active participants in these projects as of 2021. They add over 29 million code lines per week and have community members who hail from almost every country across the globe. A majority of these contributors won’t meet in person, but they’re capable of driving the future of open technologies.
We didn’t know it, but whether we did or not, our achievements during the outbreak brought us close to the model of open source, which is the reason why open source innovations are today driving the majority of the software industry. With this new method of working, we discovered different revenue sources, new ways to be more efficient, and also new ways to interact with our clients. As we get closer to what I hope will be a very challenging couple of years, it’s the right time to move forward. It’s time to apply the lessons we’ve learned and put into practise as we shifted to digital first and apply them to improving our business, culture, and the global community.
The phrase “new regular” is now used as if it’s predetermined and static. But it’s not. You decide to determine your new normal. What do you envision your company to look like? How can you take on the next wave of IT?
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Red Hat CEO: Remote Working is ‘Just Another Day’ to the Open Source World
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