Node.js Rival Deno Gets Seed Capital For Full-time Deno Engineers

Node.js Rival Deno

“The Deno creators have formed the Deno Company, an enterprise undertaking spanning the JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes and a competitor to Node.js,” writes InfoWorld.

Deno authors Ryan Dahl and Bert Belder, who also led the development of Node.js, announced the formation of the organization on March 29 and stated they had $4.09 million in seed capital, which would pay for a full-time staff of engineers.

Dahl and Belder stated that, while they intend to pursue industrial Demo packages, Deno itself may remain MIT-licensed, implying that for Deno to be maximally beneficial, it must remain permissively free.”Our company will build at the open-supply project; we will no longer attempt to monetize it directly,” the Deno authors stated.

From their announcement:

We run into server-aspect problems. JavaScript is hopelessly fragmented, deeply tied to terrible infrastructure, and irrevocably dominated via means of committees without the inducement to innovate. As the browser platform moves ahead at a speedy pace, server-aspect JavaScript has stagnated. Deno is our attempt to breathe new lifestyles into this ecosystem…

Node.js Rival Deno Gets Seed Capital For Full-time Deno Engineers

Not every server-aspect use-case JavaScript desires to get entry into the report system, and our infrastructure makes it viable to collect pointless bindings. This lets us create custom runtimes for unique packages: Electron-style GUIs, Cloudflare worker-style serverless functions, embedded scripting for databases, etc.

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