How CentOS Stream and RHEL 9 Led to AlmaLinux 9

AlmaLinux 9

ZDNet informs us that in the second quarter of 2020, Red Hat decided “they’d not be releasing CentOS Linux as a standalone distribution. The alternative was that CentOS Stream could be used as an open beta version of RHEL.

What’s the situation currently?

The competition quickly sprung up to take over CentOS. Two of them include the AlmaLinux OS Foundation’s AlmaLinux and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation’s Rocky Linux. On May 16, we saw the official release of Rocky Linux 8.6. The release of Rocky Linux 8.6 was announced on May 16th. Just a few weeks after the launch of RHEL 9, AlmaLinux 9 is here.

It starts with RHEL and progresses to the CentOS Stream. In fact, many AlmaLinux developers are CentOS Stream contributors. The most important thing to remember can be said to mean that CentOS 9 is an identical version of RHEL 9 — except for the trademarks and names. It is loaded with all the identical features and features the latest advancements, but more importantly, it has all the identical bugs.

In addition to the server architectures that are big, AlmaLinux is also ready to run on anything from Docker and cloud images in Microsoft’s Windows Subsystem for Linux and Raspberry Pi, as the article explains.

Also, Jack Aboutboul, AlmaLinux’s Community Manager Jack Aboutboul, AlmaLinux’s Community Manager, tells ZDNet, “We are developing AlmaLinux with the goal of developing an entirely independent CentOS replacement that’s community-oriented and designed to be accessible to all users.” Our goal is to provide everyone with a common platform that is secure, safe, user-friendly, and reliable to build their dreams on.

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