Facebook VP Suggests a Fix: a Prompt Urging Teen Instagram Users to ‘Take a Break’


“Facebook is trying to repair its reputation after whistleblower Frances Haugen’s testimony,” says Engadget, “including promises to lower the potential harm for teens.”

CNN as well as Reuters have reported that they have learned that Facebook Global Affairs VP Nick Clegg stated that Instagram will launch the “take a break” feature that would encourage teens to quit using the site for a time.

Clegg did not specify when the program was ready, but it is evident that this was intended to curb addiction and other bad behaviors.

The executive also stated that Facebook will “nudge” teens away from the content on its applications and websites that “may not be conducive to their well-being.” He didn’t offer specifics about this new strategy. He did recommend that Facebook’s algorithms be “held to account,” even through regulation if necessary, to make sure that the outcomes in real life are consistent with the intent. The use of nudges or breaks may help decrease exposure to harmful content; however, they will not eliminate the content at issue. Clegg’s comments also mirror an old-fashioned strategy used by Facebook. It is known to allow regulation; however, it only allows regulation that it’s comfortable with. While the proposed changes might aid, politicians could demand more, in part, to keep Facebook from making its own rules.

According to Reuters Clegg, Reuters reports that he “said he could not answer the question whether its algorithms amplified the voices of people who had attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.”

Read Also: Brands are spamming WhatsApp users in India, Facebook’s largest market

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