Logic Magazine spoke with an unnamed Amazon Web Services engineer. An excerpt from the story, which touches on a wide variety of subjects such as debatable paintings with the army and police and different cloud providers, reads:
So while you operate AWS, part of what you are buying is protection.
Right; it is a part of what we sell. Let’s say a potential purchaser involves AWS. They say, “I like pay-as-you-move pricing.” “Tell me roughly how much more.” We say, “Okay, this is how much you could use at the height capacity.” “Here are the financial savings we will see in your case.” Then the organization says, “How do I understand that I’m stable on AWS?” And this is where the warmth appears. We get them this way. We say, “Well, let’s test what you are doing properly now and notice if we will provide a similar degree of protection.” So they inform us of the approximate setup in their record centers. We say, “Oh, my!” “It looks as if we’ve got degree 5 protection, and your records indicate that your middle has degree 3 protection.” “Are you certain you’re comfortable staying where you are?” The purchaser figures that now not only am I going to save cash by using AWS, but I’ve also realized that I’m no longer nearly as secure as I thought. Plus, we make it smooth to emigrate and tough to leave. If you have a large amount of data on your records middle and need to transport it to AWS but do not want to ship it over the internet, we will send you an 18-wheeler full of difficult drives, plug them into your records middle with a fiber optic cable, and then force them through after loading them with your data.
What? How do you do that?
The snowmobile is one of our products. It’s a gas-guzzling truck. There aren’t any public pictures of the inside; however, it is quite cool. It’s like a modular datacenter on wheels. And clients rightly count on that in the event that they load a truck with all their records; they need protection for that truck. So there is always an armed guard in it. It’s quite a smooth sale. If a buyer sees that option, they say, “Of course, I need the big truck and the guy with a gun to transport my records; now it’s no longer a few crappy devices that I expand on my own.”
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