25 Gigabit Per Second Fiber Retail Broadband Service Demoed in New Zealand

25 Gigabit Per Second Fiber Retail Broadband Service

25 Gigabit Per Second Fiber Retail Broadband Service:

25 gigabits of data per second, both uploading and downloading. CRN states that the wholesaler of broadband infrastructure, Chorus, showed these speeds in comparison to their current PON, a passive optical fibre network. The company has a passive optical fibre network [PON].

The test in Auckland attained 21.4 Gbps throughput, tested simultaneously using the same strand of fibre that was connected to an 8 Gbps HyperFibre connection that was symmetric and the 900/550 Mbps UFB connection. Chorus currently utilises Nokia’s Lightspan FX and MX access nodes for a variety of fibre services, such as the standard GPON and the XGS-PON that is behind HyperFibre Point-to-Point Ethernet, and is planning to enable the new 25 GPON service to be run with them too. It’s based on a Quillion Chip Set line card that Nokia claims is 50% more energy efficient than previous models.

At present, Chorus has no wholesale 25 GPON service, but its fastest product is rated at 8 Gbps with HyperFibre. The wholesaler plans to launch 25 GPON-based services in the next two or three years, and will include a Nokia optical network termination device that can support either 25/25 Gbps or the 25/10 Gbps choices. Kurt Rodgers, network strategy manager at Chorus, explained that the faster broadband service will become a reality in industrial applications such as metaverse, as well as for the Internet of Things and cloud connectivity that is low-latency.

Chorus Chief Technology Officer Ewen Powell stated that Chorus chief technology officer Ewen Powell said the company’s 25 GPON service proved to be “a future-proofed technology.” Even though a two-wavelength 50 Gbps option is being considered as a possible option for service providers, with 100 GPON coming soon, Chorus is betting that the 25 Gbps version is the most cost-effective advantage for service providers overall since it is able to use the existing optics equipment.

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25 Gigabit Per Second Fiber Retail Broadband Service Demoed in New Zealand

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